i walked back and went to a gas station on the way. i bought a water and a ginger ale, and there was an older man with a posh british accent in the store with me. The man behind the counter was tall. The corner store was shockingly tiny and cramped with a very limited selection. i went outside and the british man was filing his car at pump 1. the guy behind me was asking to fill 8, i think, as i was leaving. i took my things and walked outside. There's no sidewalk or curb outside of it, and i wouldn't have taken that anyway. There was a chunk of grass, bushes, and trees separating the gas station from a catholic animal charity, and i popped a squat in a small dirt patch. i cut open the plan b and unscrewed the lid of the ginger ale before completely taking out the pill. Swallowed it fine. i thought about writing my third short story on this scene, different character and circumstance. i had the thought of sitting there and taking in the scenery so i could write it better, but it didn't happen. i just got up and left.